Egypt. The Egyptian Minister of Information Safvat el-Sharif has stated a new TV serial based on the "Protocols of Zion Wisemen" "is not anti-Semitic" in its essence.
An Egyptian actor Mohammed Sobi - a serial's leading actor and script co-author - said in his interview to the Egyptian weekly "Roz el-Yusef" that 19 of 24 protocols were screened.
The demonstration was held during the Ramadan, the holiest month for all Muslims and traditional time for TV serials.
Zimbabwe. One of the leading country newspapers "Bulavayo Chronicle", supporting the President Robert Mugabe, has made Jews responsible for the problems in country's economy. Recently this newspaper has stated referring to Mugabe "Jews of South Africa together with their fellows here attempt to close our textile and garment factories". The African Jewish congress condemned Mugabe's statement as a racist and anti-Semitic one.
The chairman of African Jewish congress Mervin Smith called these attacks "malicious and provoked attempts to throw shadow of crimes on the Jewish community members". Now nearly 800 Jews reside in Zimbabwe. Only two years ago Jewish population of the country numbered 6,000 persons.
Poll held by ADL has shown 34% of Spaniards have a hostile attitude to Jews (the highest level of anti-Semitism in Europe). In Italy such prejudices possess 23% of the questioned, in Switzerland - 22%, in Austria - 19% and in Holland - 7%.
Spain has a rather small Jewish community (nearly 12 thousand persons). However, 71% of the questioned consider Jews have concentrated in their hands an excessive financial power and play an exorbitant role in solving world problems. 72% of Spaniards presume Jews cannot be faithful to countries they live in, as they have the only real motherland - Israel.
Russia. Hearings on the request of a World War II veteran Boris Stambler ended November 10. He demanded to resume a criminal case regarding the publishing of an anti-Semitic collection "Rusich" - "Jewish occupation in Russia" and "Generals about Jews" by Viktor Korchagin. The final verdict runs: "To refuse in redressing the grievance".
A "Tolerance" Fund director and ADL representative in Russia Alexander Akselrold mentioned, "The court decision goes in one chronological line with an upcoming anniversary of "Crystal night" in Germany 1939…
The judge Vasina showed by her decision anyone in Russia may publish anti-Semitic literature with impunity".