Germany. Vandals have desecrated a memorial to former prisoners of the "Sachsenhausen" concentration camp in East-German city Leegerbruch, north of Berlin. Some of similar vandal actions took place in 2002. Among them - a September arson of the museum of Nazi "death march's" victims near Vittstok.
Slovakia. During 7 months past 135 graves fell prey to vandalism actions, the Jewish community of Koshitse has been receiving donations from many countries of the world. "We understood, the world shares our pain", - says Pavol Sitar, the head of local community. In its time the city administration allowed the community to put a list of damaged graves with names of those buried there on the city Web site.
The damage, caused to the cemetery, was estimated at 35,660 USD. Donations will cover this sum. Jews have been living in Koshitse for already 160 years. Nearly 145 thousand Jews resided in eastern part of the city before the World War II. Only two thousand of them survived in Holocaust.
Nowadays, only 500 Jews remained in Koshitse, forming up one of 13 Slovakia's communities.
Latvia. A memorial to Nazi victims was opened in Rumbul , one of Riga districts, on November 29. The sign on the memorial in a Rumbul wood near Riga says: "Here, in the Rumbul wood, Nazis and their local accomplices shot dead more than 25 thousand Jews - prisoners of Riga ghetto on November 30 and December 8, 1941". The municipal committee on culture adopted this text after the discussion regarding the words "local accomplices". Mayor of Riga Gundars Boyars, Seim deputies, foreign diplomats, state and public figures participated in the ceremony.
Hungary. Hungarian politicians criticize granting the status of a freeman to a Budapest resident, Jew, laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature Imre Kertesh. A member of the right-radical party "Justice and life" Latslo Zhinka stated Kertesh did not deserve such a right, as he had represented the role of Hungary in Holocaust in a wrong way. "He harms the reputation of Hungary on the world arena, - underlined Zhinka. - Kertesh said he did not feel himself as a Hungarian and Budapest means nothing to him. Why then should we award him?"
Latvia. The state police have reinforced the guards near the Riga Synagogue in Peytavas Street since mid-November. The police press secretary Krists Leyshkalns refused to comment on the reasons to this.
Germany. The German authorities intend to sign a particular agreement with the country's Jewish community. Similar agreements with two main churches of Germany - Catholic and Lutheran - exist for long. The document is meant to improve financing Jewish schools, kindergartens and hospitals, to establish a legal status of Judaic religious education.
Such declaration by the federal chancellor Gerhard Schroeder followed his meeting with the chairman of Central council of Jews in Germany Paul Spiegel. Schroeder also declared government deductions into the CCJG fund would go up to three million Euros a year.
The chancellor called the growth of Jewish communities "big enrichment for Germany".
The Central Council of Jews was created in 1950: at that time Germany was home to only 15 thousand Jews (before the war - nearly 600 thousand).
As present, the country has 83 Jewish communities numbering about 100 thousand persons (after the USSR's collapse around 60 thousand Jews emigrated to Germany).
According to Spiegel, the theme of anti-Semitism is not closed yet, though a notorious anti-Israeli politician Jurgen Mellemann has resigned from all his party posts. Paul Spiegel also informed about the threat of Islamic terrorism - many Jews refuse to attend a synagogue if there is no police patrol in front of it.