Due to endeavor of Marseille Khess kosher sausage with pork taste has appeared in Israel. He has an official title of "Sausage King". The recipe of the unique sausage was designed in Switzerland. His family moved there before the war. Any of family members had never tasted pork. "We had a special staff of non-Jews at the plant in Switzerland, - explains Marseille, already an Israeli. - They tasted the meat and told what should be added to be like pork". "Pork-kosher" is very popular nowadays among people of high society as well as among religious people of Jerusalem.
Israel took second place in the world in diamonds' export ceding only to India. Besides, International diamond stock-markets federation has unanimously elected Shmuel Shnitser its president. The Federation consists of 24 world biggest commercial centers dealing with the diamonds' trade.
A Russian-speaking TV channel has appeared in Israel for the first time. The "Israel plus" channel will be broadcasted 19 hours a day. Its net contains political and analytical, cultural, entertaining and informational programs. The attention is mainly paid to Israeli events.
Minister of Internal Affairs Eli Ishai has offered to cancel paying an "absorption basket" to new repatriates - non-Jews according to Galaha. In his opinion, this money will be much more useful for Jewish families with many children.
The chairman of "Israel Ba-Alia" party Natan Shcharansky mentioned there was a "smell of racism" in Ishai's proposal. Shcharansky considers the minister, being simultaneously leader of the SHAS religious party, tries to retain his electorate through splitting Israeli society.
"Seventh channel"
Yuriy Shtern, the chairman of the "NDI-Ikhud Leumi" faction is on the list of 11 most active deputies. They are the authors of 50% of all adopted laws of social direction. "We have adopted 17 laws and, according to the statistics, our faction has adopted more bills per one deputy than any other group in Knesset", - noted Yuriy Shtern.
Labels depicting respected Rabbis will be put inside packings of the Israeli "Elit" company products.
The director of an "Elit" concern food subdivision Ronen Zoar mentioned that company's steadfast interest to "kharedim" is explained by the following. The ultra-religious sector showed indifference to a recent advertisement campaign depicting heroes of the "Pokemon" cartoons. The company intends to attract the attention of this "contingent".