The Information Analytical Edition Of The Jewish Confederation Of Ukraine
Jewish Confederation of Ukraine The Information And Analytical Edition
Of The Jewish Confederation Of Ukraine
23/42 December 2002
5763 Tevet
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61 years have passed since tragic November days of 1941 when fascists shot dead over 17 thousand Jews in the locality Sosenka in Rovno's suburb.
Academician, people's deputy Nikolai Zhulinsky: Israel has what Ukraine should have - a will for self-establishment as a national state.
Belonging to Jewry may mean different for different people, but this is always - rights and obligations. And questions, questions, questions...
Few doubt today impracticability of Norwegian agreements. Consequently, a new leader of Labor Party will aim not so much at concluding peace as at separating from Palestinians.


Memorial in SosenkyRovno. 61 years have passed since those tragic November days in 1941 when fascist hangmen and their accomplices shot dead 17.5 thousand Rovno Jews - women, the old, children - in the locality Sosenky in the suburb of the town.

The war left a terrible trace in the fates of those who survived Holocaust. During a mourning ceremony dedicated to the tragic date near a memorial in Sosenky the participants honored the memory of genocide's victims pronouncing the prayer "In memory of the dead".

Yury Safir

Belarus. Deputies of the Belarus Parliament have signed an address to the President Lukashenko with a call to stop the destruction of Jewish cultural monuments in Minsk. 75 deputies have put their signatures.

After the order of city authorities the building of a XIX century synagogue was demolished in 2001. The ruins of a XVI century synagogue in the city center are to be demolished and a parking lot is to be constructed in its place.

The representatives of Belarus Jewish communities say about unwillingness of the authorities to return to former owners cult buildings confiscated during the Soviet times. They also blame Lukashenko's government for connivance at a growing anti-Semitism in the country. In this connection Jewish leaders welcomed deputies' initiative, having called it "the first attempt to stop anti-Semitism on the governmental level". However, many high-ranking officials refused to join the address.

Associated Press

Kazakhstan. Guests from Russia, Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan and Israel gathered at the first international scientific conference "Jews in Kazakhstan: history, religion, culture", which took place in mid-November in Almaty. They brought reports specially prepared for the conference. Representatives of very different nationalities, previously unfamiliar with one another, excitingly discussed a rather close and clear to each of them theme - the history of Kazakhstan Jews. Participants, organizers as well as guests plunged into a thrilling process of truth quest. The image of a Jew residing in Kazakhstan for many years was becoming more and more clear with every report.

Russia. Days of Jewish culture have taken place within the frames of celebrating the 350th anniversary of Zabaykaliye in Chita. The delegation of Jewish autonomous oblast has also arrived on governor's invitation.

Best Jewish collectives represented Birobijan: "Tenderness" vocal trio, "Ilanot" children's vocal collective, "Surprise" dance theatre.

A Birobijan painter Vladislav Tsap presented his exhibition. Chita residents adored his paintings on the works by Sholom-Aleikhem and Babel so much that the oblast museum authorities decided to keep them for two more months.

An exposition of Jewish books and Judaic objects, organized by a "Freud" community's librarian, attracted a significant attention.

Belarus. October 29-31, 1942 fascists eliminated all population of the Pinsk ghetto. The chairman of Pinsk religious community I.Lieberman said at the ceremony devoted to the tragic date that fascists had exterminated approximately 35 thousand Jews in the city and its suburbs. Modest obelisks on the communal graves remind us about that.

160 Jewish families reside now in Pinsk. Prior to the war 80% of its population were Jews who attended 43 synagogues.

Russia. The meeting of heads of progressive Judaism communities from CIS and Baltic States took place in Moscow during the period from October 31 till November 3.

Leaders discussed most urgent issues of the movement organization, administrative-economic activity and further ways of development.

The Ukrainian delegation, consisting of 19 members, came out with some practical offers, which were taken into consideration.

Mikhail Gurvits

Russia. An exhibition "Jewish world in postcards" has taken place in Kaliningrad. Nowadays, nearly 6 thousand Jews reside in Kaliningrad. Due to the divergence between Russia and European Union regarding a visa regime there are serious difficulties for Jews - residents of Kaliningrad, who wish to repatriate to Israel. Repatriates have to take bus to reach Warsaw. Only then they can fly to Israel.

Russia. A ceremony of awarding Rabbi Berl Lazar with a jubilee medal "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation. 200 years" has taken place in MFA of Russia.

A memorable sign is awarded to outstanding representatives of RF legislative and executive power, leadership of Presidential Administration, spiritual leaders participating in establishing useful for the state international ties.

The deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Saltanov handed a jubilee medal over to Rabbi.

Russia. A meeting with representatives of the company "Africa Israel Investments LTD" took place in Samara November 26. For the moment the company is choosing cities-partners in Russia in order to realize programs on constructing large sport-entertaining and commercial complexes, including recreational buildings, children's yards, restaurants and hyper-markets. The head of Israeli delegation Joseph Levin was interested in the support regional authorities are able to render to the project' implementation.

Russia. The "Khasdey Neshama" ("Merciful soul") Jewish charitable center of the Tula oblast has celebrated its 5th anniversary. For all these years Faina Sanevich is its director. At present "Khasdey Neshama" has around a thousand and a half clients-pensioners, invalids, the needy in Tula and its region. There are quite a few war and labor veterans, former prisoners of death camps and ghettoes among them. They receive material support, medicines on preferential terms. People of most different ages and interests attend clubs functioning under the center auspices. The library contains more than two thousand volumes.

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