Nearly 6 thousand repatriates have finished or continue their courses at the Institute of Judaism studies founded by the Jewish agency and Israeli government.
4500 people have passed giyur in the year of 5762. Among them are 800 repatriates from CIS and nearly 2300 repatriates from Ethiopia.
Salay Meridor, speaking at the meeting of Knesset commission on alia and absorption, addressed the Chief Rabbinate with a call to develop a radically new approach to repatriates willing to pass giyur. Meridor considers this a task of national importance. Now, he said, the process of giyur passing has turned out a torture for those willing to feel oneself a full member of the Jewish society.
The material aid of Arab states to the Palestinian autonomy amounted 145 mln dollars over the last 6 months. This is less than half of the promised sum (330 mln), told a representative of the Arab Countries League (ACL) in Cairo. As he said, only Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman paid off to PA its part of financial aid. We will remind that during the last ACL summit in Beirut this April League member-states agreed on allocating the funds to the Autonomy. According to the agreement, PA should monthly have received 55 mln dollars.
Israeli department of water resources informs consumption of water has increased this year by 7% in comparison with last year. Calls to save water are useless. Last year the calls were accepted, the water usage reduced by 3,6%. But this year's situation is very tense. Water is not spared, above all, in "rich" districts - such as Sovion and Kfar Shmariyagu. More sparing are the residents of settlements behind the green line.
Israel is close to a severest water crisis, informs the department of water resources.
A new part of the trans-Israeli highway (highway #6) has been opened. The section, 13 km long, will connect crossroads Ben Shemen and Nakhshonim. Initially the highway will go only in the northern direction. The new section has connected the highway from Eiyal to Nakhshonim. The total highway length is 86 km. The construction is to be over in 2004.
"Israeli "News"
One of the founders of the Israeli antiterrorist organization Assaf Kheffets considers the Russian secret services acted in the only possible way storming the building in Dubrovka, Moscow. Kheffets used to be the commander of Israeli OMON (special militia unit), so called Yamam, since 1975 till 1981. He said Israeli secret services had never used such a gas while storming buildings with hostages. Moreover, Kheffets called on the Israeli police to learn and take over the experience of Moscow colleagues.