Israel. The first concert of a vocal choreographic ensemble "Israeli Ukrainians" took place in Kiriat-Khaima. The audience heard popular Ukrainian melodies, songs. Jaunty guys and pretty girls in needle-made shirts and boots performed gopak and other rousing dances. Everything reminded the native Ukraine, only with an Israeli accent: songs were performed partly in Hebrew and in Yiddish. The collective includes ethnic Ukrainians, mixed family members. Naturally, it's impossible to do without Jews.
Israel. Recording of 16 songs by Vladimir Shainsky on the poetry by Tanich, Entin, Plyatskovsky, Matusovsky is completed at a private studio in Tel-Aviv. All songs are in Hebrew and performed by Zeev Geyzel, a famous Israeli public figure and translator of popular songs into Hebrew.
Mikhail Feldman
Israel. A gala concert took place in the amphitheatre of Jerusalem University. It opened the Festival of Jewish song. President of Israel Moshe Katsav and Mayor of Jerusalem Ekhud Olmert attended the opening and made speeches.
Leading singers of Israel took part in the festival performances.
The gala-concert was held on the 30th day after the act of terror in Jewish University in memory of terror victims.
Israel. August 26-29 an International Red Sea Jazz Festival took place in Eilat. It is held since 1987 and traditionally attracts thousands of jazz adorers into a health resort capital of Israel. Best musicians of the world consider it honor to take part in Red Sea Jazz Festival. Moreover, some of them get united to form unique ensembles to be heard only in Eilat and only during the festival. The majority of Red Sea Jazz Festival concerts are held outdoors - in the Eilat port, not far from the city culture center "Meierhoff'. And the most experienced and famous Jazzmen from different countries conduct master-classes for both professionals and jazz amateurs.
Russia. The Jewish religious community of Lybavichi Hasids held a presentation of the book "Saving one's nation…" by Irina Osipova in the Moscow "Ermitazh" theatre. The historian enlightened a huge amount of early inaccessible documents from the archives of KGB and FSB. The book is devoted to Hasids who, during the years of Soviet power and cruel Stalin's repressions, preserved Jewish national culture, traditions. Leading Jewish persons of Russia, socio-political and cultural figures, representatives of Israel's Embassy to Russia, Federation of Russia's Jewish communities attended the event. The book appeared due to the efforts of the law protecting fund "Memorial", synagogue in the Bolshaya Bronnaya street and, personally, Rabbi Yitzchak Kogan.
Russia. A club of meetings with unusual people "Seven forty" was opened at the Institute of Judaism studies on Goncharnaya quay in Moscow. The opening itself became an extraordinary event - if we take into account the significance and importance of an invited guest. The name of Rabbi Adin Shteinzalts is widely known around the world due to his monumental work - the commented translation of Talmud into modern Hebrew and other languages. For this he was awarded the Prize of Israel - the highest state award. Beside other things, he is an ecclesiastic Rabbi of Russia.
Famous directors, scriptwriters, producers, journalists, internet-entrepreneurs and representatives of other professions are expected to become honored guests of the club in the nearest future.