July 28 Geliy Yefimovich Aronov celebrated his 70th anniversary. Usually, on such occasions we look at the way the person celebrating his jubilee has passed his way and try to assess what he has done. But it is not easy to do so in case with Geliy Aronov. You simply do not know what to begin with. Shall we tell about him as a doctor? Yes, Aronov is a doctor of medicine with experience of a doctor in charge of the case. He became a remarkable scientist, outstanding specialist in immunology, and candidate of sciences. Here we can mention his significant contribution to the history of medical business, his bright publications about doctors of past times. Especially thoroughly Geliy Yefimovich worked on biography of an outstanding Kiev doctor-academician and humanist Feofil Yanovsky. Aronov wrote not only a scientific research about Yanovsky, but a fiction-biographic narrative as well.
He is the master of all literary genres. A memoir prose of Aronov is attractive not only by its cognitivity, but also by exciting, perfectly depicted scenes of life events. His publicism is sharp, accurate and actual. His outstanding qualities of an editor were proved in deeds. Readers may assess them in his publications. Among them - the almanac "Yegupets" published by the Institute of Judaics with which Aronov fruitfully cooperates. Highly appreciated are sport essays of Geliy Aronov: once he became a winner of the All-Union competition for the best sport book.
Yes, as Geliy Yefimovich is also a sport master. He has spent many years of his life going in for board racing. He got Olympic heights in "eight" boat. Besides, it seems symbolic that Geliy Aronov proved himself as a sportsman namely in the team of "eight". It is necessary here for all members to feel each other, to work simultaneously and not to try to self-affirm at the expense of others. And Geliy Yefimovich in sports, as well as in his life, shows perfect team qualities. To work with him is not only honor but pleasure as well.
We have only to add that this jubilee is not a simple trivial summation. Geliy Yefimovich looks, being sincere, much younger of his respectable age. He confidently holds a pen, his experience and knowledge constantly increase. His editor's eye is sharp-sighted and accurate. He has a lot to do in the future. We wish him many ages of indefatigable and happy creative search, to bring warm and light to people with his kind talent invariably justifying his sun name - Geliy. |