The 12th season of European musical-dramatic theatre named after Sholom-Aleikhem ended with the artistic performance of leading actors in the premises of "Theatre on Podol" June 26.
A laureate of the all-Ukrainian competition of singers Igor Bergelson opened the evening. His magic tenor charmed everybody. The singer performed arias from operas in Italian and Russian. Especially charming was the aria of Elezar from opera by Galevi "Zhidovka". The head of theatre, Honored artist of Ukraine Boris Mazur continued the program. He presented satiric miniatures by M.Zhvanetsky, L.Izmaylov, M.Mishin.
Every year artistic and producer's talent of Avigdor Freidlis grows higher and higher. He founded the theatre and for 10 years was its director. He acquainted listeners with his new repertoire in Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian. The song of Morocco Jews "Bahavla" is always sparkling and arousing in his interpretation. The song "Old yard", about the fate of Jewish emigrants in America, is full of sadness and pain. The song "What is love" subdues with lyricism and Jewish humor.
Honored worker of arts of Ukraine Viktor Vanyukevich finished the artistic performance. The listeners called him for many times to the stage. There were performed such immortal songs as "Boubliks", "7:40", etc.
That June evening the theatre was full. It was a festival of constellation of talented artists. But why are neither the capital mayor A.Omelchenko, nor any of Jewish organizations worried that the only Jewish theatre in the city has no own premises and the status of municipal enterprise yet?
But even in such conditions the theatre became a laureate of prestige international festivals. In 1992 in Tartu (Estonia) the collective was awarded with a prize for the spectacle after E. Savela's play "Stop the plane, I'll get out". In 1993 in Israel it received another prize for the play by Aloni "The bride and butterflies' catcher" at the festival of an alternative theatre. In July 2000 the theatre became a laureate of the Second international festival of theatrical art "Wandering stars" dedicated to Sholom-Aleikhem's work.
I tend to believe that the theatre will start a new season in its own premises.
And now I would like to say - the only Jewish theatre in Kiev really deserves its name. |