The book by Y. I. Khodorkovsky "Jewish necropoles of Ukraine" is dedicated to describing Jewish cemeteries. The author writes about cemeteries of the XVI century in Volyn and Podolia using the research works by the St. Petersburg Jewish university. Analyzing the mode of constructing burials he draws regularities of designing burial steles, composing epitaphs that often help to determine an occupation of the deceased and their position in the community. The age of necropoles and a high artistic level of matzevs condition their value. Photos and layouts of burials well illustrate the text of the edition.
Necropoles of the XVII century are considered in the context of the history of Jews in Ukraine including principles of organizing Jewish communities in Rovno, Piryatin, Lokhvits, Lubny, Korsun, Ostrog and other towns. Monuments of the second half of the XVIII century attest to a rise of the Jewish stone art. Layouts of monuments find their final forms at this time, iconography widens. Further till 1920s construction and shape of monuments demonstrate well mastered compositional methods tested in earlier periods, a lower artistic level due to standardization, departure from traditions, search for new forms and materials.
Khodorkovsky Y. I. Jewish necropoles of Ukraine. - Kiev: Society for preserving monuments of history and culture of Ukraine, 1998. - 80p. In Ukrainian |