France. Local vandals set fire to a Jewish primary school in Marseilles and left inscriptions "Death to Jews" and "Ben Laden will win" on the walls, which survived the fire.
Two trailers, which served as classrooms for the primary school "Pardes", burned down before the firemen managed to stop the fire. The local Chief Commissioner said that it might have been the work of local hooligans, but the incident had to be considered very seriously. An anti-Semitism wave swept across France last autumn, when the Palestinian and Israeli conflict flamed up again. Then there were several incidents of synagogue arsons.
Muslim communities from Arab countries are numerous in France. Usually, they are behind such incidents.
Russia. Local skinheads attacked the local Tyumen synagogue that has been recently restored. On October 6, the law-enforcement agencies received a call from the security service. It informed that 22 stained-glass windows had been broken in the synagogue. Militia immediately examined the place and drew up a report, but fingerprinting from stones, sticks and other exhibits was made only in three days. This is not the first attack of the Tyumen synagogue.
As the Tyumen Rabbi Igor Varkin said, the same skinheads threw stones at builders, working on the building facade. At the same time they threatened the builders with punishment.
Italy. The "La Stampa" newspaper published Barbara Spinelli's article "Judaism without excuse". From the author's point of view, "Jews should apologize to those people, who were killed or banished from their native land during the creation of the Israeli state". Further Jews are accused of genocide and mass killings.
Italian Jewish communities were extremely indignant of this fact. Moreover, the article appeared in a central national newspaper. Tulliya Zevi, former Head of the Italian Jewish communities, said that "the author acknowledged total ignorance in the Jewish history. The accusations against Jews and the Israeli state are false and groundless; they only foster race hatred and xenophobia".
Azerbaijan. A Jewish cemetery was defiled in Baku. Semen Ihilov, Head of the religious community of mountain Azerbaijan Jews, informed that unknown villains destroyed about 50 gravestones and monuments. According to his words, such incidents have already happened before.
The Azerbaijan government had already warned Jewish organizations about the growing danger of the awake of radical Islam groups.
"Svobodnaya Evropa"