Legendary island of Khortitsa in Zaporozhye hosted a seminar for young leaders of Jewish communities organized by "Joint" in Eastern Ukraine. 30 youngsters participated in it - hot-tempered and reserved, impulsive and reasonable, merry and shy but intelligent and passionate. A team of specialists in management and psychology from Israel and Dnepropetrovsk provided professional and conceptional support of the seminar on the themes "Philosophy of leadership", "Management", "Community heads and leaders" and others. The seminar's purpose was to promote development and use of potential of young Jewish leaders in the interests of communities. Community's tomorrow will largely depend on new leaders, on their world outlook, life values, image, desire and talent.
Participants of the seminar were exulted to meet a writer and journalist, one of creators of the animated cartoon "Well, beware!" Felix Kandel. In plain words Felix told about his life, books, about the history of Jewish people. We suddenly saw an image of a true Jewish leader-purposeful, courageous, active - the one who knows a right way and leads his followers along it.
As a result, the group came to realize a leader of the future will somewhat resemble a leader of the past. His predominant skill will be ability to promptly orient oneself in a constantly changing situation. Leader should know to take decisions, possess knowledge and intuition, be able to hear and see (not only to listen and look), to make a choice and bear responsibility for it and many other things. |