The premiere show of the Ukrainian variant of the "Mlyn" film (see "Jewish Observer #6 /25) took place April 9 - the day of Catastrophe and heroism of the European Jewry - on the UT-1 TV- channel. The Ukrainian Tevje-Tevel Bohgan Stupka sounded the film. We shall remind the film is about the feat of the Yaruga villagers who were in the Romanian zone of occupation. They saved the lives of their countrymen-Jews. The film also tells about other cases of selflessness demonstrated by the Righteous Men of Peace, as well as by the Wermacht officers. The Ambassadors of Israel Anna Azzari and of Germany Ditmar Shtudemann held speeches before the show. "The future free of such demonstrations of inhumanity is possible only when people remember the past. The German language has a special word denoting memory of the past", - underlined the FRG Ambassador.
April 14 the "Mlyn" premiere show took place in the House of Cinema with the participation of the film heroes. |