Khonigsman Yakov. Jews of Brody (1584-1944). - Lvov, 2001. - 118 p.
Studies on Brody history, written by Professor Yakov Khonigsman from Lvov, are the first attempt to systematize the numerous historical facts of this town's history. Brody is one of the biggest Jewish towns of Eastern Galicia.
The author analyses the Jewish history of Brody beginning from the first records of the town in the "Lessons" of Vladimir Monomakh to the liberation of the town from fascists. The book contains photographs of famous Jewish places of Brody, charts showing the dynamics of changes in the number of the town's population during different periods, town maps, and a nominal index.
Dear Voice. Pages of Russian and Jewish Literature of the Late XIX - the Beginning of the XX centuries. - K.: Spirit and Letter, 2001. - 468 p.
The book is a collection of works of Jewish poets and prose writers, who wrote in Russian and are a part of both Russian and Jewish literature. It presents works of Jewish classics - Semen Fruga, Osip Rabinovich, Mikhail Abramovich, Lev Levanda and others.
Konotop. Jews. Past. Present. Kharkov, 2001. - 28 p.
The book tells about the history of Konotop (Sumy oblast) from the early XIX century, where we find the first records about the city Jews.
In an easy style the author presents the main facts of Jewish life of the former town of "the Jewish Pale", analyses Ukrainian and Jewish relations in different historical periods, tells about modern Jewish organizations - community center "Ester", TV program "Ale Ineyneym", newspaper "Lebn" and others.
Agada Anthology. - Moscow, 2001.
The first volume of "Agada Anthology" has been recently published. This is a new edition of the project of the Babylonian Talmud translation into Russian. This is a collection of Agadic fragments from the Babylonian Talmud. The fragments are accompanied by historical, philosophical, philological, and culture comments by Ury Gershovich, Arkadiy Kovelman, and Mikhail Ryzhik, and explanations of rrabbi A.Steinzalz (Even-Israel), who edited the book together with S.Averintsev.
Jewry and Zionism: Lectures on History of the Jewish People and Israeli State. - Jerusalem, Amana, 2001.
This is a textbook for studying history of Israel and the Israeli people.
This research has two main goals: acquainting the reader with Judaism, the culture and the people of Israel, how it was formed in Israel and developed in other countries, as well as the understanding of Zionism as the link between the Israeli nation and its land in its different aspects during all the history of our people.
The book is written in a bright language and is recommended to everyone who studies history of Israel and Zionism.